Saturday, March 10, 2012

Favorite Things #11 - Cuties!

I finally picked up a box of these after the oranges I got from my In law's trees finally ran out. Being in AZ we have access to a lot of citrus this time of year, but it only lasts for so long! These little guys are awesome and I think I am the last person to actually try them. Even my dogs like them, and the one little segment makes the perfect treat for them.


Have you tried Cuties? Is there some food you are dying to try but haven't yet?


  1. I love cuties - simply because they are easy to peel!

    I may give brussel sprouts another go - some food needs to grow on me, like sweet potatoes - I never even ate them until a few years ago!

    1. I love brussel sprouts, try them fried as a good gateway to enjoying them. Michael Symon has a good recipe for it.

  2. I love cuties! I hate peeling oranges, but these are so easy to peel!They just usually are expensive here in Colorado, so that is about the only reason I don't get them all the time!

    1. I found them on sale, I got that whole box for $5!

  3. I've never had cuties but, I keep seeing the commercial for them! I'd love to try them but, where I live we get things a long, long time after everyone else has had!

  4. cuties are my favorite thing in the whole world...ok...maybe not the whole world, but I am extremely fond of them. so sweet!

  5. I adore cuties! I ate myself into oblivion with them this past winter. Everyone in the house likes tham actually. One day Brad went to Costco and came home with a ten pound box. I, not knowing he did this, went to Trader Joe's and brought home 5 lbs of them on the same day.
