Thursday, May 3, 2012

Favorite Things #19 - Crispin Chotokkyu Cider

Today's favorite is a new found summer drink that I am currently loving. Now you might be saying, Summer? It is still Spring! Not in Arizona, today it was 93 and it will be in the 90's all next week as well. I love ice cold fruity drinks in the summer and this new Crispin Chotokkyu Cider is so perfect.


This cider is dry, light, crisp and just tastes like the most perfect sparkling apple cider. It is made in Minnesota and the brand has been available in Arizona for about 2 years. If you like hard cider and can find this, I highly recommend it.

What is your favorite summer drink?


  1. I love this stuff! I used to pass the Crispin HQ on my way home from work. I love sake and I love cider ... usually combining two great things isn't that great, but this is fantastic. YUM.

  2. I've never had hard cider myself, though I hear it's good. I'll have to look for it. My favorite alcohol summer drink is a margarita, non-alcohol homemade lemonade...yum!

  3. Never had hard cider! I'm not much into alcohol, maybe because if I have an eyedrop of any alcohol I get tipsy (Maybe not that bad, but almost. People say it's my asian genes..) But I would definitely try this! I will seek it out :)

  4. 93F!!!!!!!! Wow that is hot... we never reach 90F even in summer time in SF. But I have to say I kind of miss hot weather. Right now even it's sunny outside it's like mid 60F at most. Thanks for the introduction on your favorite apple cider. If I see this, I will remember your review and pick it up!

  5. I love cider! I'll have to give it a try sometime.

  6. Is it really sweet, or more on the tart side?

    Summer beers: Sam Adams Summer Ale and Leinenkugel Summer Shandy are my two favs.

    My Mom and I love sangria too - and vodka lemonades aren't bad either. Geeze, do I drink much?! :D

    Happy Friday!

  7. I love cider in the summer but alas it's nearly winter here and heavier things are on my mind.

  8. I'm basically OBSESSED with hard cider! It's my favorite alcoholic drink ever. Hope I can find this!

  9. I wish you could send some of your sunshine our way. Not 93 degrees worth, but about 70 would do just fine. This hard cider sounds delicious. I know it's something I would enjoy.

  10. I always have daiquiris or non alcoholic piña coladas but I would love to try this apple cider, you made it sound pretty good
