You need some bacon, flour, marsala, lemon juice, peanuts, broth, onion, peanut butter, cream and salt and pepper.
Dice up the onion, you will just be tossing this, so don't worry about making it perfect.
chop up the bacon, measure out the flour and the lemon juice.
Measure the broth into something you can pop in the microwave easily as you want to add it to the soup already warm.
Cook the bacon in a dutch oven until done.
At this point I am dancing around 2 little dogs who can smell bacon cooking 4 miles away. My husband also accuses me of 'wasting good bacon' on a four letter word. Yep, he hates soup.
Once the bacon is cooked, get it out of there and keep it safe from dogs and husbands.
Drain away any excess fat and get the onions in. Let those cook for about 10 minutes. During the last couple of minutes, pop the broth in the microwave or warm it on the stove.
Stir in the flour and stir until it is mixed in.
Add in the broth and the peanuts. Let this go for about 30 minutes. I used this time to wash my prep dishes.
Drain the onions and peanuts out, but save the broth.
Put the broth back in the pan.
Stir in the cream, lemon juice and the peanut butter. You can add salt if you'd like also.
Serve it up in a bowl, drizzle some marsala on the top, and sprinkle with the cooked bacon. Talk about comfort food that will warm you up! This was very good and combined my favorite, savory with sweet.
mmm it reminds me of like thai peanut sauce... mmm but with bacon