The most important thing to do when cooking firm tofu is to press the excess water out of it, so don't skip that step! Lets gather up our ingredients and start prepping.

I have never worked with these before but there is a first time for everything!

You need fish sauce and soy sauce. Obviously the fish sauce is not vegetarian but you can substitute with some vegan worcestershire sauce or a little rice vinegar, both would be tasty.

You have to soak the rice noodles in water for a while before you cook them. I had no idea!

Just let them hang out while you prep the other ingredients.

You will need some extra firm tofu.

I only used half of the brick and stored the other half in a bowl of filtered water in the fridge. You can store the tofu in the fridge in water for a couple of days, but I have heard its best to change the water everyday.

Cut it into slices and lay it on some paper towels or a nice clean dish towel.

Cover it over with another towel and weigh it down with something heavy so the excess moisture gets pressed out.

While that presses and your noodles soak chop up some broccoli.

Mince some garlic

Defy those crazy media nuts and use some fresh jalapeno.

Slice up some shallot.

Mince up some fresh ginger.

After all of that prep your tofu should be nice and drained. Cube it up.

Get a wok going with some peanut oil.

Drop in the tofu and get it frying.

Fry it until its just browned and then get it out of the wok.

Get the shallot, garlic, jalapeno and ginger into the wok and stir fry for just a couple of minutes.

Add in the broccoli and fry it up as well, you can put a lid over the veggies to steam up the broccoli also.

When it is done to your liking add in the noodles. Do not be alarmed if the noodles still feel really firm, they will soften as you stir fry. Get the tofu and the sauce in the pot and get it all nice and combined.

This is a delicious way to make tofu and might even a turn a tofu hater into a tofu lover!! The next entry will also be tofu and will also be delicious!