Friday, December 30, 2011

2011 is over!

I can't believe 2011 is over already. I am so glad I got back to my food blog and met so many new friends and found some awesome cooking blogs. Please take a minute to visit some of the bloggers in my 'Links' down below to the right. You will be happy you did!

This year had its ups and downs, but it ended with a wonderful Christmas and I am looking forward to New Years with my In Laws. How many people can say they look forward to time with their In Laws? I am truly lucky.

I think next year I will start adding additional posts highlighting my favorite things, starting with my most favorite thing of 2011...

snuggle brothers
Steeeeeeve. He has tried our patience, made us laugh, and most importantly he has become best friends with our older dog Tanner. After we lost Joey we knew we had to get another dog and Steve ended up being the most perfect match for us.

Happy New Year to you all, thank you for reading and I hope you have a wonderful 2012!


  1. Happy New Year!

    New dogs never replace the old dog, but they sure have a way of healing a broken heart.

  2. Glad to have found your blog! Happy New Year!!

  3. Glad you are back, I enjoy your posts!

  4. yay! i'm glad you are back to blogging too. cute dogs!

  5. I am glad you are back too. Yours is one of my favorite food blogs. I was sad to read about Joey, but I am so glad Steve came in to complete your family.
