Get some water on to boil and lets gather some ingredients. You need some peas, pasta, red pepper, parsley, thyme, cheese, wine, garlic, shallot or onion, chicken stock and salt and pepper.

Chop your onion and slice your garlic thin. This is the only chopping you need to do, now it is on to measuring.

Measure your broth, wine and get your measuring cup so you can reserve some pasta water.

I know I said to get some water boiling, but I am using my awesome microwave pasta cooker.

Get some oil in a pan over medium heat.

Get the garlic in and keep an eye on it! You want to cook it until it just starts to get brown.

This is about ready to come out.

Ok, outta there!

Now you can add in your shallots, red pepper, thyme and salt and pepper. Cook this for about five minutes, stirring every once in a while.

Add the wine and cook for about 2 minutes.

Add in the stock and cook for another 2 minutes.

Your pasta should be done, so drain it, but reserve some of the pasta water.

Add in the peas and some of the reserved pasta water, bring it back to a boil.

Mash up some of the peas with the back of a spoon and get the parsley and garlic in the pan.

Get the pasta in the pan and give it a stir.

Add in the cheese and you are ready to eat!

This is a delicious alternative to classic pasta sauces. You can easily make this vegetarian with vegetable broth and you could make it vegan by omitting the cheese.
What is your favorite non-traditional pasta sauce?