Lets get cooking. Since times are tough, this recipe can be made pretty inexpensively with some stuff you might already have laying around. Boil up some water for the pasta and lets get started.

You need some pasta, flour, chicken broth, artichoke hearts, capers, butter, salt, pepper and a chicken breast. I cut this recipe down to serve one.

Dredge the chicken in some flour that has been seasoned with salt and pepper. Heat some oil in a frying pan and get the chicken in there and cook about 3 minutes per side. Get your pasta in the boiling water as well.

I like to put a lid over the chicken to be sure it gets cooked all the way through.

While the chicken cooks, rinse the artichokes and capers.

Remove the chicken and add the broth to the pan and scrape up all the yummy chicken bits. Let it come to a boil and reduce by half.

Add the chicken back into the pan and stir in the artichokes and capers. Bring it just to a boil and remove from the heat.

Stir in the butter and drain your pasta. Serve the chicken and sauce over the pasta.

I have only started cooking with capers and artichokes in the last year that I have had this blog, and I am so glad I tried them. If you haven't, this might be the perfect recipe to introduce yourself to them!