Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Person Behind The Plate #3

One of the main reasons I started this blog is because I love to cook and Tom is definitely not into food. When I first met him he lived off of chips, subs, nachos and pizza. There might have been a hamburger thrown in every once in a while with lots of fries. He was basically eating the dream diet of most 12 year old boys.

According to his Mom he has been picky forever. Everyone loves the story that even before he could talk he could tell the difference between orange juice brands and would fling his sippy cup down if it was not Donald Duck OJ.

What do you mean you don't like chicken???
I imagine the caption of this picture as, "What do you mean you don't like chicken?!" That would be Tom surrounded by family members at the dinner table.

Fast forward 35 years...

Tom just tried a chicken skewer. Not impressed.
Yep, still does NOT like chicken. I figured that it was breaded and deep fried, who doesn't love that?! Him.

Over the last 13 years I have been slowly getting this food hater to at least try some new things, and the blog is here to share all of the wonderful things that he still isn't ready to try.


  1. Slow but steady progress is good progress! Bravo to you!

  2. I honestly can't understand how anyone can not like food! Baffles me! :)

  3. gah! I can never understand people like that. but at least you're trying to expand his palate!

  4. Good for you for trying. You definitely seem up to the challenge. My daughter is like your husband and it's really frustrating.

  5. That's so funny! My husband is a "little" adventurous, but he still loves his burgers, fries and packaged food. He'll buy anything with new packaging or flavors.

    Tell your hubs that he should eat chicken. My husband is allergic and wish he could. ;-)

  6. I have a friend who's husband will only eat pork. No beef or chicken or seafood.

  7. Yep, Tom and John are two peas in a pod! At least we've gotten them to try things throughout the years :)

  8. While I am on vacation, my step-daughter and I both love spicy shit, so I can't wait to share some meals with her that Tony wouldn't touch! Turns out the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, his son doesn't like spicy food either!

    I also plan on showing her how to make my baja fresh salsa!

  9. You've brought him a long way. Maybe some day he'll even enjoy chicken in one way or another (don' tell him I said that-lol). Love your caption for the baby photo!!

  10. It sound like you are making a little headway at least. I know it's a challenge to cook for one.

  11. Given another 10 years, we'll all be raving about what he eats :)

  12. Good job on being so determined my friend - I know you are going to succeed :D


  13. I hope that Tom starts to eat your delicious cooking soon. I don't know how he is able to resist. Blessings dear. Catherine xo

  14. It would be hard to cook for someone like Tom. At least it sounds you get him try new once in awhile.
