I cut this recipe in half and had plenty for leftovers. This is another very simple but flavor packed chicken dish.

You will need, chicken, garlic, oregano, red pepper, crushed red pepper, red wine vinegar, artichoke hearts and feta cheese.

Slice up the peppers into nice strips.

Chop up the garlic.

Measure out the red pepper flakes and oregano.

Chop up the chicken.
Now we are ready to cook!

Get some oil in a pan on high heat. Brown the chicken on all sides, this should take about 10 minutes.

Reduce the heat to medium and add in the tasty garlic, red pepper and oregano. I have been watching a lot of the new Cooking Channel and love the way the British say Oregano, I hear it in my head that way when I type it now.

After a minute or two stir in the vinegar and scrape all the tasty bits from the bottom of the pan.

Add in the water and simmer for about 10 minutes.

Add in the artichokes and the peppers and continue to simmer for 5-10 minutes or until it is as thick as you would like.

Take it off the heat and stir in the cheese and you are done!

This is another easy weeknight meal that you can prep the night before and then just come home and cook. I mentioned earlier that I have been enjoying the Cooking Channel a lot, is anyone else out there watching and if so what is your favorite show? I really like seeing old episodes of Galloping Gourmet and I like the new show Everyday Exotic with Roger Mooking.